Contact details

You can contact Markus Techniek using the details below or via the online contact form.

Postal address:

Markus Techniek
Rozenstraat 73
2761GL Zevenhuizen (Zuidplas)

Telephone: 06-118 0 1818

Company data:

Markus Techniek is registered in the Trade Register of Rotterdam. More detailed company information can be found here on the website of the Chamber of Commerce.
On all services and deliveries our General Conditions apply.

Chamber of Commerce, Rotterdam 61938793

In the event of a malfunction, to schedule maintenance or for more information.

For electrical plumbing and installation work, heating, ventilation, lighting, network cabling and smart-living you can contact us. Many times we can have you scheduled within two weeks! Do you have questions or would you like a quote? Press the contact button for more information.